Monday, April 27, 2009


Presenting to you a symbol of commitment to Service!

(Above, Lion Venie and other Lions in a group photo after the Medical camp in Isingiro)

In a society riddled with self enrichment and individual considerations, it has become increasingly difficult to find  leaders who are up to the task of the service of men. As Lions, we strive to bridge this gap by showing our commitment to service of fellow beings especially the less fortunate than ourselves.
Our beloved District has been fortunate to have good leaders and to continue the trend, we deserve a leader whose commitment to service is undoubted, a leader whose ethical, moral and professional standards have stood the test of time and above all; a leader whose leadership qualities are the envy of multitudes.
Fellow Lions, Leos and Guests, I have the pleasure of introducing Lion Venie Tinkumanya for the post of First Vice District Governor for the Lionistic year 2009/2010.
As a Lion leader, Lion Venie has gained vast experience and exposure which i believe the District can tap into for the benefit of the people we serve. 
His commitment to service and his love for high ethical and professional standards is what our beloved District needs. 
Let us join hands and support the cause of good leadership for the benefit of the less fortunate than us.
We serve.

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