Monday, January 5, 2009

Clean Environment, Clear minds and Better Health

Ask me why i love Lionism and i'll tell you that it's because we are "all-rounders"  for the good causes!
The Lions club of Kampala Central and the Leos club at Makerere proved me right on Saturday November 22, 2008 when they took  up "arms" to clean up the Lions Leisure Park at Makerere University. 
In the photo above, Lion Tush; the Activities committee Chairperson together with other members show their strength as Leos look on.
The Lions together with the Leos at Makerere descended on the park with  pangas, hoes and other tools and rid it of all the creepers on trees and other unwanted plants in the park not forgetting picking buveras and other things that littered the green park.
Other activities of the day included, naming of trees and tagging them to different Lions and Leo members for easy Identification and care. I bring to you some of the day's moments as caught on camera;

Hey! don't cut that tree.....
Take heart please, i am just clearing the bush around it to give it some breathing space to grow well.

Lion Tush and Leo Rusia together with another Leo trying to map out a plan of how to go about the work

It's our duty to protect the environment. Leos drove the message home by display of their club banner at the park.

The activity ended with a group photo to remember the great effort in maintaining the environment clean.
A big thank you to all those who participated in the activity of keeping our environment clean.

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